The Wikipedia Problem

“Tempers are running high in the principality of Wikipedia, that remarkable tract of cyberspace where, as in all good democracies, the citizens rule in theory, but in practice they are held a safe distance from the levers of power. The hubbub comes in the wake of an embarrassing bout of death-by-Wikipedia, in which two American senators were marked down as dead – on Inauguration Day, no less – when in fact both were alive and kicking.”

If Barack Obama Were A Building…

“Comparing Obama to a flashy new building feels all wrong; our new president seems determined by both action and symbolism to prove that he is no radical, a member of no avant-garde. If I had to pick a contemporary architect to compare him to, I suppose I’d lean toward Renzo Piano or Norman Foster, both of whom fold traditional aesthetic values into crisp new buildings and seem as impatient as Obama with histrionics and wasted motion.”