Another Casualty: Connecticut Opera Cuts Remainder Of Season

The company’s board decided at the end of January to cancel this spring’s two productions, Daughter of the Regiment in March and La Bohème in May, due to a severe drop in ticket sales and donations. “But even if someone wrote a check for $500,000, [the company’s managing director] said, she couldn’t say if part of the season could be salvaged.”

William Friedkin Pulls Out Of La Scala’s Inconvenient Truth

The filmmaker-turned-opera-director has withdrawn from the Al-Gore-slideshow-turned-hit-movie-turned-opera over “irreconcilable creative differences” with librettist J.D. McClatchy. But composer Giorgio Battistelli claims that Friedkin’s reasons are “personal, not artistic” and complains that the director cared more about special effects than the piece’s message.

E-Book Sales Stoke Optimism

“Over the course of the year, e-book sales were up 63.8 percent. It is in these figures that many industry analysts see hope for the publishing industry at large, which is turning slowly – and not without some grumbling – toward mass digitization. But it’s not the bigger houses, such as Macmillan or HarperCollins, that are moving the fastest.”

Art Basel’s Marc Spiegler Talks Art Markets

“It’s important to remember that there was already a thriving art world before the boom. And to the extent that the boom has receded, it still leaves more behind than was there before. In fact, what we saw at Art Basel Miami Beach in December was that collectors who left the market because they didn’t like the boom-time competitive atmosphere were actually returning. So there is an influx even as there’s an exodus.”