Salman Rushdie Has Yet Another Event Cancelled, This Time In Calcutta

“A visit by controversial author Salman Rushdie here to promote Deepa Mehta’s film Midnight’s Children, based on his award-winning novel, was called off at the last minute over security concerns today, evoking strong reactions from cultural and literary circles. Rushdie [had] travelled to Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai without any problem in the last few days.”

Bloomberg: The Musical!? (Just Speculating Here …)

“While Fiorello! is the most successful Broadway musical about a New York mayor, it’s not the only one. Jimmy, about La Guardia’s predecessor Jimmy Walker, had a short run in 1969, as did Mayor, about Edward I. Koch (sample song: ‘How’m I Doin’ ‘), in 1985. Could Mr. Bloomberg be next? We asked three musical-theater composers to imagine song-and-dance numbers from the life of our current three-termer.”