John Updike – Last Man Standing

Updike was “America’s last true man of letters, an all-purpose writer and a custodian of literary culture. He wrote more, and in more different genres — stories, novels, poems, essays, reviews, occasional journalism — than anyone since Henry James, and it’s hard to imagine how he can be replaced. Who has the energy, or the eyeballs, for that much reading?”

Why Radio Continues To Be Popular

“Radio wins more listeners each year. Using only sound, radio stretches the imagination and makes the listener its partner. A humble plastic box can introduce you to writers, ideas, arguments, facts, music and atmospheres you might not encounter in two lifetimes. Speech radio, in particular, is a curious medium: more vivid than print, bringing ambient noise and atmosphere, conveying tones and breaths and hesitations and tension in the voice.”

Podcasting Proves A Hit For Novels

“It seems a ripe time for novel podcasting to grow. Traditional book publishers are struggling. Book sales are down Unlike audiobooks, novel podcasts are truncated into segments and may include ambient sounds, music as well a cast of voices playing different characters.The success of novels is democratically decided: word of mouth leads to more downloads.”