ISIS Is Burning Books And Libraries

“‘These books promote infidelity and call for disobeying Allah. So they will be burned,’ a bearded militant in traditional Afghani two-piece clothing told residents” of Mosul in ISIS-occupied Iraq. The extremists “loaded around 2,000 books – including children’s stories, poetry, philosophy and tomes on sports, health, culture and science – into six pickup trucks. They left only Islamic texts.”

This Writer Wrote The Book Gravity, And Sold The Rights To Hollywood – And This Is What Happened Next

“The principles involved go far beyond my individual lawsuit. Every writer who sells film rights to Hollywood must now contend with the possibility that the studio they signed the contract with could be swallowed up by a larger company — and that parent company can then make a movie based on your book without compensating you. It means Hollywood contracts are worthless.”

Flex Dance Is Traveling Far And Away From East New York

“Flex is said to have originated in the 1990s in Jamaica with a dancer who called himself Bruck Up. It developed in Brooklyn, mainly in dance battles and tournaments, both informal and organized. Although the form has found exposure through television competitions and an ocean of online music and dance videos, the attention from the likes of Mr. Sellars is recent.”