Theatre Too Big To Fail (Perhaps Unfortunately)

“There does seem something odd about ACE’s long-standing tradition of hurling ever more money at buildings and organisations that lurch from crisis to crisis. There are plenty of small, nimble organisations with absolutely no desire to empire-build by adding another auditorium or indeed any auditorium at all, but who get by on very little funding; who with a little bit more, they could be real power houses, despite, or perhaps because of, their diminutive size.”

As Lawsuit Shows, It’s Hard Out There For An Independent Movie Producer

“Indie producers typically raise money from a pool of investors, and look to partner with studios that can market and distribute their projects. But their movies often have trouble finding an audience in a marketplace dominated by big productions. It’s a bit of a gamble, and unlike a corporation, independent producers often don’t have the deep pockets necessary to weather a movie that bombs.”