Jamie Barton Wins Met Opera’s Beverly Sills Award

“Ms. Barton jump-started her career by winning a series of prestigious prizes: the Met’s National Council Auditions in 2007, both the main and song contests at the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition in 2013 and the Richard Tucker Award in 2015.” Among previous winners of the $50,000 prize are Nathan Gunn, Joyce DiDonato, Angela Meade, Brian Hymel, and Michael Fabiano. (includes video)

Top Posts From AJBlogs 01.31.17

Privilege/Encumbrance: Part III
This post is the last of a three-part series that is not strictly about community engagement. However, to engage with communities with which one is not familiar it is essential to understand the dynamics of privilege. … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2017-01-31

What is classical music?
We need a new audience. But how are we going to get one if we can’t tell people why classical music is valuable? And how can we do that if we don’t know what classical music is? (Dictionaries don’t help.) … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2017-01-31

Dancers on the Rampage
New York City Ballet premieres new works by Justin Peck and Pontus Lidberg. … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2017-01-31

Rienzi in America?
Connecting opera to current, particularly American political events usually doesn’t work, and even more unlikely when the connection can be made, to an opera by Richard Wagner. Donald Trump has changed all that … read more
AJBlog: OperaSleuth Published 2017-01-31