Met Opera Fires Stage Director For ‘Inappropriate Behavior In The Rehearsal Room’

“[John] Copley, 84, has been one of the opera world’s foremost directors for decades. He was at the Met directing a revival of his 1990 production of Rossini’s Semiramide when a member of the chorus reported that Mr. Copley had made him uncomfortable at a rehearsal on Monday with a sexually charged remark, according to two people familiar with the complaint.”

National Book Awards Add Prize For Works In Translation

“The new category marks a radical departure for awards, which began in 1950 ‘to celebrate the best of American literature.’ The prize will be given jointly to authors and translators, and will be limited to fiction and nonfiction works by living authors that are published in the United States. International authors who write in English won’t be eligible.”

Museum Takes Down Painting Of Naked Nymphs – To ‘Prompt Conversation’

“It is a painting that shows pubescent, naked nymphs tempting a handsome young man to his doom, but is it an erotic Victorian fantasy too far, and one which, in the current climate, is unsuitable and offensive to modern audiences? Manchester Art Gallery has asked the question after removing John William Waterhouse’s Hylas and the Nymphs” – and visitors are leaving their answers on Post-It notes on the wall.

This Museum Isn’t Canceling Its Chuck Close Show – Here’s What It’s Doing Instead

At the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, “there was some discussion of removing the Close show [in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations against him], but officials believed [the issues] would be better served by keeping the exhibition up and instead using it to create very pointed conversations … [by mounting] an additional exhibit exploring issues of gender and power in an accompanying gallery.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 01.31.18

The New York City Ballet Looks to Its Future
21st-century works in The New York City Ballet’s Winter season (January 23-March 4) … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2018-01-31

So much in love
One of the most moving musical performances for me, one I deeply love, one that even makes me cry — it’s Neil Young singing his song “Harvest Moon”, in Jonathan Demme’s Heart of Gold, … read more
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