Kentucky Rep Theatre Going Down For The Count?

“Record high gas prices last year, along with a 50 percent drop in area tourism and a loss of donations from supporters hurt by the stock market slump, have left the professional theater in financial crisis. The theater, now in its 33rd year, was operating in the black until the confluence of these negative economic factors. It now faces a $350,000 budget shortfall for the upcoming year.”

Concert Biz Had A Good 2008 (But Will It Continue?)

“The good news is that the concert industry really didn’t have that bad of a year in 2008 even as economic conditions worsened. Overall, revenue was up 7.8 percent to $4.2 billion, though ticket sales dropped 3 percent. The revenue was sustained by record-high ticket prices: an average of nearly $67 a ticket for the 100 top-grossing shows. Overall, ticket prices have more than doubled in the last decade.”

Do Opera’s Young-Artist Programs Create Real Stars?

“Although the apprenticeship programs were developed to keep talent from fleeing the country, they have also helped create an increasingly closed circle in the opera world. In effect, entries on a résumé can come to be as important as that elusive, unteachable quantity: artistic excellence. And some critics believe the programs have produced a rather bland crop of performers.”