Health Troubles Cause Trisha Brown To Leave Her Dance Company

“Ms. Brown, 76, had a series of mini-strokes in the past several years, although she was choreographing as recently as the fall of 2011 and was active at the company until last summer … But she has had increased difficulty communicating recently and is relinquishing the title of artistic director of the company that bears her name.”

Why Isn’t Britten In The Pantheon Of The Greatest Composers?

“His unfailingly accessible, straightforwardly beautiful music, like that of Aaron Copland, his opposite number in America, is widely – if by no means universally – thought [by critics] to be too ‘easy’ to be great. But there’s more to it than that. Throughout his life and to this day, Britten’s reputation has risen and fallen for reasons that have at least as much to do with his complex personality.”

Accessing The Zombie Mind – How Does A Filmmaker Do It?

“Not only do you have to deal with widening perspective and creating a larger world, you also have to deal with the fact that from outward appearances the hero is a mumbling, stumbling, brainless bag of meat that spends every moment dreaming of devouring human flesh. This was the principal issue facing Jonathan Levine when he first came aboard to adapt Isaac Marion’s novel Warm Bodies.”