Would Edvard Munch’s Estate Be Ruined By This Norwegian Artist’s Planned UFO On A Nearby Hillside?

There is a lot going on around this planned house, and the artists’ colony on the Munch estate, in Norway. “In the coming weeks, the country’s top heritage conservation authority will decide whether to grant a permit for the project. Artists and journalists have raised concerns in the Norwegian news media that it would alter the last remnants of the landscape Munch painted and would overshadow the historical importance of the site. … Mr. Melgaard, who is gay, also suggested that the opposition was partly fueled by homophobia”

The Dancers Caught Between Algeria And France

Algeria has no dance studios or companies, so when an Algerian French choreographer wanted to hold auditions, he started looking in other directions. “There are groups of men who train themselves by imitating YouTube videos and each other in the arts of hip-hop and the Brazilian martial-arts-cum-dance-form capoeira. … Much like the early hip-hop crews in the Bronx in the seventies, these men (only men) would gather on the beach to dance for each other, for the pleasure of it.”

Britain’s Official Elections Artist Says The Election Of 2017 Was Filled With Distress

Cornelia Parker, whose election works go on public display this week, said that she “felt she could not do otherwise than represent the voices – often anxious, fearful, or angry – of the people she had encountered during her time observing the election campaign. ‘I was bombarded by so much emotion and visual information I had to have sound, and sensation,’ she said.”

If You’re Going On A Reality TV Show – And Thus Off Social Media – Be Sure Your Parent Doesn’t Report You Missing

A Bachelor contestant’s mother couldn’t contact her for a while – and reported her missing to the local sheriff’s office, which kept a Missing Persons report active for months. “All the while, Ms. Martinez has been publicly active on Instagram and Twitter. After writing on Sept. 17 that she was giving up social media for ‘the next several weeks’ — a time that corresponds with the filming of ‘The Bachelor — she began posting photos on Instagram again on Nov. 22.”

Austin Opera Fires Longtime Artistic Director For ‘Inappropriate Behavior’

“Austin Opera has terminated the contract of artistic director and principal conductor Richard Buckley, … effective immediately.” The company’s statement included no details, and Buckley’s spokesperson said that the allegations are baseless and without merit,” but “two women spoke on the record with the American-Statesman on Thursday about Buckley’s behavior while he was artistic director.”

Poland’s Rightist Government Makes It A Crime To Suggest Any Poles Cooperated With Nazis

“On Thursday, Poland’s Senate pushed through a measure that would make it illegal to accuse Poles of complicity in the Holocaust or any other crimes associated with the Nazi era. Offenders could find themselves imprisoned for three years once the law, which is awaiting the signature of the Polish president, comes into effect.”