Tracing The Sad Decline Of The Art Of Critical Invective

“Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto gives us for the first time the hideous notion that there can be music that stinks to the ear.” “Strauss has hitherto reveled in the more or less harmonious exploitation of the charnel house, the grave, and the gnawing worm.” Vicious indictments, yes, but in hindsight, they’re evidence of the good old days, when passionate engagement with the music was the norm.

As Rescue Plans Take Shape, Brecon Jazz Fest Sits Out ’09

“Plans to stage a jazz festival in Brecon have been postponed for a year but it will return in 2010, according to a group overseeing its future. The Arts Council of Wales said to organise a successful event in just six months was ‘too big a hurdle to leap’. It was hoped the festival would go-ahead this August even though the firm behind it ceased trading in December.”