Zaha Hadid Is *Not* Giving Up The Battle Over The Tokyo Olympic Stadium

“Citing rising costs that by some estimates had reached $2.5 billion, the Japanese government announced last July that it was scrapping Ms. Hadid’s plan for the 80,000-seat venue.” This did not make her happy. “Her studio has stepped up the attack in recent weeks, saying that [the replacement] design closely copied hers in significant ways, and … raised the possibility of legal action … for copyright infringement.”

Custody Battle Over Picasso Bust Sees Temporary Ceasefire

“The mystery of what will happen to Picasso’s 1931 plaster bust of his mistress and muse Marie-Thérèse Walter after the Museum of Modern Art’s blockbuster show closes on Sunday has been temporarily resolved. The two parties disputing the sculpture’s ownership … both claim that they own the bust and that it was sold to them by the daughter of Picasso and Ms. Walter.”