Top Posts From AJBlogs 02.05.15

Too Many Artists Or Not Enough Value?
AJBlog: diacritical Published 2015-02-05

AJBlog: Infinite CurvesPublished 2015-02-05

“Deep, Strong Opinions”: Met Director Tom Campbell’s Remembrances of Curator Walter Liedtke
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-02-05

Music Schools, in Transition…
AJBlog: State of the Art Published 2015-02-05

Odds And Ends: Sloane On Balliett, Reilly On Haden
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-02-05


Diary From Gitmo (Unless You Were In Any Doubt As To What’s Happening There)

“Thirteen years after it opened, the literature on the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay has become extensive. There are works of journalism, collections of documents, scholarly analyses, novels and some searing memoirs, such as those by the former detainees Ahmed Errachidi and Moazzam Begg. But there has never been a book quite like this: an account by a prisoner, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, of his abduction, rendition and sustained torture, composed inside Guantanamo’s concentric layers of concrete and razor wire.”

New Edinburgh Festival Director Warns That Festival’s Status Is In Jeopardy

Fergus Linehan has taken charge at a time of uncertainty over budgets, with a bid for an extra £1.73 million for the next three years rejected by Creative Scotland and the possibility of cuts to its grant from Edinburgh City Council. The EIF’s funding has been largely static for the past eight years, which, arguably means a series of cuts, considering inflation and rising costs.”