How Bad Has The Mess At Buenos Aires’s Once-Brilliant Opera House Been?

Enormously, breathtakingly bad. The Teatro Colón, once the peer of almost any opera company in the world, has gone through years of badly-targeted staff cuts, unfinished renovation and construction, labor unrest (justified and not), and disastrous political interference. Now a new general director faces the fearsome challenges of cleaning up. (in English)

Serial, The Longform Podcast, Wins One Of Its Subjects The Right To File An Appeal

“‘In Episode 10 of the podcast, I reported that this appeal was alive by a thread,’ [podcast host an and reporter] Koenig wrote. ‘Now, I’d say it’s more of a … well-made string, maybe. Like the nylon kind. Because it means that the Court of Special Appeals judges think the issues Adnan raised in his brief are worth considering.'”