Louvre Opens Gallery For Nazi-Looted Art. Is This A Betrayal?

“It seemed to us that if we didn’t create a permanent space, we were operating as we used to in the past,” said Sébastien Allard, director of the paintings department at the Louvre, which opened a dedicated space for looted works in December. Although museums are often suspected of wanting to keep the pieces, Mr. Allard said, “our goal is clearly to return everything that we can.”

Theatre Access For All – It’s Coming But Audience Attitudes Need To Change

Many audience members seem increasingly intolerant of any distraction in their theatregoing experience, an attitude likely brought on in part by the steep rise in ticket prices. Will the use of smart phones, even with a non-glare app, inspire some nasty exchanges? Will open captioning continue to be seen as some kind of niche practice that intrudes on the serenity of the “mainstream”? Will autistic audience members always be accommodated through a policy of separate but equal?

North Korea’s Pop Musicians Are A Well-Oiled Propaganda Machine

In addition to their rare performances abroad, North Korea’s modern musicians play an essential role at home as propagandists for the government. Songs are usually aimed at building the Kim personality cult and legitimizing the Kims’ leadership role by invoking Mount Paektu, the sacred symbol of the family. Titles include “Our Comrade Kim Jong Un” and “We Know Only You.”

Of Editors, Power And Sexual Exploitation

“Editorial power is an odd thing to dissect because it is extensive and pervasive in some ways and negligible in others. There are a few people in this world who decide who speaks and when and where, and editors are part of that small minority. Not only that, but editors also have power over how someone speaks. That is a massive privilege to hand to some other person. I wouldn’t even let someone else order for me at a restaurant. It involves trust and a measure of faith that is kind of shocking if you think about it.”

Teens Are Going To See Online Porn No Matter What – Can They Learn To Watch It Critically?

Reporter Maggie Jones talks to dozens of teens about what they’ve seen online and what conclusions they’ve drawn from it – and she visits a class called “Porn Literacy”, which teaches them to think about how sexuality, aggression, and consent are and aren’t depicted in porn, as well as how those depictions differ from in-the-flesh interactions.

Montreal Mayor Wants To Strip Charles Dutoit Of City’s Highest Honor

The Order of Montreal was founded in 2016 in honor of the city’s 375th anniversary, and Dutoit – music director of the Montreal Symphony from 1977-2002, and the conductor who brought the orchestra to international prominence – was one of its first recipients. Now, with serious allegations of sexual misconduct being revealed, Montreal mayor Valérie Plante has asked the committee administering the Order to consider whether Dutoit’s award should be revoked.

Alvin Ailey Dancers Boycott Their Own Gala

After a well-received performance at the Kennedy Center, the performers stayed away from the annual gala after-party. “On Instagram, the dancers are directing followers to a new account called Artists of Ailey, which references their union. They have been in contract negotiations since December. … AGMA, the dancers’ union, said in a statement … that the artists boycotted the gala ‘based on management’s failure to adequately address the group’s substandard wages and benefits.'”