Top Posts From AJBlogs 02.09.15

$80.4-Million Question: Why Hasn’t Crystal Bridges Disclosed Purchase of Major Works by O’Keeffe and Johns?
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-02-09

Arkansas Times Detective Work: Four More Likely Crystal Bridges Acquisitions at Sotheby’s
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-02-09

The latest track
AJBlog: Infinite Curves Published 2015-02-09

AJBlog: PianoMorphosis Published 2015-02-09

Music Schools in Transition, Pt. II, i
AJBlog: State of the Art Published 2015-02-09


How To Get Out Of Your Failed Ebook Service Gracefully

“Having managed to offload its online video service Blinkbox Movies to mobile operator TalkTalk, and Blinkbox Music to streaming business Guvera, Tesco has been desperately hunting for a buyer for Blinkbox Books. Last month there was much hope that Waterstones might take it over, and finally make a decisive step into the digital realm, but that bid ultimately failed.”