Robert Ryman, Abstract Painter Who Had A Way With White, Dead At 88

“Over the course of the more than half-century of relentless experimentation that followed, Ryman radically expanded the possibilities of abstract painting, continuously rethinking how it could be made and what it could look like, even while seeming to confine himself to a single color: white. His death … brings to a close one of the singular careers in postwar America art.” – ARTnews

The Music Industry Is Changing, And This Grammys Party Showed How

Or at least it COULD change, according to those at Janelle Monáe’s “Fem the Future” brunch. Stacy L. Smith, founder and director of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative: “Collective action takes place when people lock arms, each group pushes a lever and we all do this in unison. … I’m expecting to see change in this industry quickly because of these simultaneous efforts.”
Los Angeles Times

The Classical Grammys Are Irrelevant Right Now, But That Might Change Quickly

Anne Midgette: As more and more orchestras record their live performances for broadcast and for sale, the Grammys may change. “Since, as we’ve seen, recordings tend to feature different repertoire than standard subscription programs, this trend of recording concerts for release is contributing, slowly but surely, to a perceptible broadening of the orchestral repertoire.” – The Washington Post

Protesters Hit Guggenheim For Its Sackler Family Ties

As fake OxyContin prescription slips fell from the upper walkways of the Guggenheim Museum, protesters explained this action against the museum, which has accepted rather a lot of money from the Sackler family, “was a response to a recently disclosed statement by Richard Sackler, the son of a Purdue [Pharma] founder, who said years ago that OxyContin’s launch would be ‘followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition.'” – The New York Times