Something Is Going Wrong At The Glasgow School Of Art After A Bad Fire. So Why Fire A Whistleblower For Talking?

More than 70 staff have left the GSA since a second fire devastated the Mackintosh building in June 2018. Last month Gordon Gibb was sacked for breach of contract for giving his views on failings at the GSA. When he gave evidence at the Scottish Parliament’s culture committee, he called for the iconic building to be taken out of the hands of its board following the two fires. – Sunday Post (Glasgow)

Parasite Has Won So Much More Than Best Picture

The thing about Parasite is that even before it became the first non-English language film to win a Best Picture statue, it “had already earned all the accomplishments that really matter; it didn’t need an Oscar.” Or maybe it did, or the Oscars needed Parasite. “In taking home the Best International Film trophy and also claiming the biggest honor of the night, Bong’s movie made the Oscars slightly less local.” – The Atlantic

An Unsung Belgian Artistic Genius And His Atmospheric, Haunting Canvases

The Belgian artist Léon Spilliaert “is the great night bird of modern art. Restless, insomniac, and suffering from stomach ulcers from a very young age, he would rise in the small hours and walk the dead streets to the long promenade where Ostend meets the shore. His art is captivated by the unnerving solitude and silence. Image after image shows the empty seafront, the lone gaslights along the pier, the vertiginous steps dropping down to the wide blank sands, the black sea turning over and over.” Perfect for February, really. – The Observer (UK)

Media Outlets Calling Antonio Banderas A Person Of Color Are Upsetting People In Europe And The US

Banderas may be a Spanish speaker first, but the actor “is from Málaga, Spain, and does not identify as a person of color. There are nonwhite Spanish people, but this isn’t the case for him.” And whew. Media outlets lumping him in with Cynthia Erivo to give the Oscar acting nominees some diversity are not being accurate. (But many white Spaniards’ responses aren’t great either.) – NPR