Maybe You Really Can Judge A Person By His Face

“The idea that a person’s character can be glimpsed in their face dates back to the ancient Greeks. […] Now the field is undergoing something of a revival. Researchers around the world are re-evaluating what we see in a face, investigating whether it can give us a glimpse of someone’s personality or even help to shape their destiny. What is emerging is a ‘new physiognomy’ which is more subtle but no less fascinating than its old incarnation.”

Iraqi National Museum, Badly Looted After Invasion, To Reopen

“The long-awaited reopening marks a milestone in the government’s efforts to retrieve and preserve artifacts and archaeological sites from Iraq’s history after almost six years of theft, destruction and violence. […] Officials have since struggled to rebuild the museum’s collection, recouping about a third of what was looted.”

Rod Blagojevich, The Musical (It’s A One-Act)

“‘Rod Blagojevich Superstar!’ is Second City’s ripped-from-the-headlines, rushed-to-the-stage, ready-for-potential-touring parody. Combining the disgraced governor’s grandiosity with the musical flavors of ’70s rock operas like Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Jesus Christ Superstar,’ the show probably has a limited audience of political junkies and a pretty short shelf life.” Or, given the prospect of a trial, maybe not so short.

It’s The Anonymous Arts Workers Whose Jobs Are At Risk

“Why are so many blind to the simple reality that arts workers are real workers? I chalk it up to our celebrity culture. Funding for theater? Tim Robbins doesn’t need money! Funding for art museums? Jeff Koons is rich! Funding for concert halls? Yo-Yo Ma is a superstar! The glare of the celebrity spotlight obscures our view of the ticket-taker at Robbins’ play trying to make ends meet….”