There Were Almost No Obituaries For Sylvia Plath

“At the time of her death by suicide – 50 years ago, on February 11, 1963 – she was a published novelist and an acclaimed poet; beyond that, she was also a statuesque, stylish American married to the celebrated English poet Ted Hughes. … The secrecy surrounding Plath’s suicide, as it turns out, masked more than just the ugly details of her death.”

The Secret Of Galileo’s Genius (Well, One Of Them)

His father, music theorist Vincenzo Galilei, “wrote a book … ripping apart ancient Ptolemaic systems of lute tuning, as his son ripped apart Ptolemaic astronomy. … The young Galileo took for granted the intellectual freedom conceded to Renaissance musicians … [and] transfer[red] the spirit of the Italian Renaissance in the plastic arts to the mathematical and observational ones.”