A Psychopathic Buddhist Warrior-King

“A psychopathic Buddhist warrior-king hardly sounds plausible in fiction, let alone in modern history. But the story of Freiherr Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg, an Estonian-raised, ethnically German, tsarist officer, who became the last khan of Mongolia amid the chaos of the Russian civil war, has so many bizarre elements that the reader will soon believe almost anything.”

Norman Foster Hotel In Vegas Gets Chopped In Mid-Construction

With its elegantly elliptical curve and signature variegated blue-and-white exterior suggesting sea glass, the Harmon was expressly designed by British superstar architect Lord Norman Foster to be one of the newly defining iconic buildings in this young, aspiring city. But the new hotel will now be 28 stories rather than 48 after 15 stories of incorrectly placed rebar was discovered.

Uh Oh. Obama Mentions Macbeth At Theatre

“And with that reference, he unwittingly ventured into what many theater hands believe to be dangerous territory: any mention of the name of the doomed Scottish king in a theater outside of a performance is considered verboten by many actors, who believe it will result in a cursed production — including a greater possibility of injury, bankruptcy, even death.”

Columbus Symphony Lets CEO Go

“Already looking for a music director to replace Junichi Hirokami – let go in November with a year on his contract – the orchestra has started searching for a new executive director. Orchestra officials said today that ‘by mutual agreement’ the contract of Tony Beadle would be allowed to expire Aug. 31.”

Houston Ballet Premieres Full-Length Work About Marie Antionette

Choreographer Stanton Welch, the company’s artistic director, sees the last Queen of France as a victim of multiple circumstances. “One part in particular struck me: When they took her to the Austrian border and stripped her of her clothes before handing her over to the French. What an act of complete humility [sic] for a teenager.”