Period-Style Baroque Opera In A Cabaret Space

“From its debut in 2011, the Haymarket Opera Company has thrived by putting on repertory of the sort no other Chicago group has investigated as thoroughly – unusual baroque chamber operas using period instruments and historically informed stage direction, movement and design. These intimate rarities have felt perfectly at home in Mayne Stage, a cabaret-style theater in the city’s Rogers Park neighborhood that seats 230 and serves drinks during performances.”

Azerbaijan Puts Bounty On Veteran Novelist’s Ear

“Azerbaijan’s troubled efforts to portray itself as a progressive and Western-oriented country took a beating this week with the announcement by a pro-government political party that it will pay $12,700 to anyone who cuts off the ear of a 75-year-old novelist. The author is Akram Aylisli, and his crime is to have written a novella called Stone Dreams that is sympathetic to Armenians.”