The Precise Timing That Makes ‘Kinky Boots’ A Success On Broadway

“There’s a whole world underneath the stage. It’s called a ‘trap room,’ and at the Royal Alex, it’s a tight space for sound gear, change areas and a wig station. The musicians are in the orchestra pit, working to a “click track” rhythm and with in-ear monitors to keep in time with the actions on stage. The sound man and a mixing board are upstairs, at the back of the house, where the volume levels of the actors’ wireless microphones are manipulated constantly, on the fly.”

The Movies Used To Be An Escape From Work, And Now They’re All About Work

“The somber message of these movies — most of them contenders for best film or acting honors in this year’s Oscar race — is that we have become our jobs. ‘I think, therefore I am’ has been updated to ‘I work, therefore I exist.’ Not only has private life been squeezed out, but personal happiness, when it is captured, is also celebrated as a boon for productivity.”

Making An Hour-Long Musical Every Week On A TV Schedule

“‘The development process for stage musicals is years and years to get 12 or 15 songs onstage,’ he says. With ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,’ the team ‘sometimes have just a few days to write 2-3 new ones.’ That’s fine with him, as his philosophy is that ‘all creative work takes exactly as long as the amount of time you’re given. It’s amazing how much you can get done if you have to.'”