Threatened By Gentrification, Berlin’s Nightclubs Seek Same Legal-Cultural Status As Theatres And Opera Houses

“A group dedicated to protecting the German capital’s nightlife took its campaign to parliament on Wednesday, urging more protection as more venues are closed to make way for new-builds and as growing numbers of residents file complaints about noise. About 100 clubs have closed in the past 10 years, and a further 25 are under threat.” – The Guardian

A Second Court Rules That Tate Modern’s Neighbors Should Buy Some Damn Curtains Or Quit Their Bellyaching

Four owners in a condo building had gone to court for an injunction requiring the museum to screen or block off part of its popular 10th-floor viewing gallery so that “hundreds of thousands of visitors” would stop “relentlessly” looking into their floor-to-ceiling windows. Last year, a judge dismissed the plaintiffs’ suit, saying that they could put up curtains or blinds. The condo owners went to the Court of Appeal, which has now rejected their complaint, adding that the Supreme Court would not hear it. – The Guardian (PA)