Villella’s Successor Reveals Plans For Miami City Ballet

“While preserving the Balanchine legacy at Miami City Ballet, [Lourdes] Lopez also wants to introduce new choreographers and dances, particularly those that appeal to Miami’s multicultural audiences.” She also plans an extensive collaboration with Morphoses, which she co-founded with Christopher Wheeldon in 2007, that may involve moving the company from New York to Miami.

Bid To End EU’s Cross-Border Double-Taxation Of Performers

“Currently, performers can be taxed in the foreign country they are working in, as well as their country of residence, due to a global treaty aimed at preventing tax evasion. The Performing Arts Employers Associations League Europe (PEARLE) wants to put a stop to this double taxation, claiming it is a ‘major hindrance’ for the arts sector.”

Bolshoi’s Double-Bill Rite Of Spring Is Back On

Moscow’s centennial celebration of the Nijinsky-Stravinsky work was to include both a reconstruction of the original 1913 ballet and a new version by choreographer Wayne McGregor – until he withdrew following the acid attack on Sergei Filin. Now the celebration is back on, with a new setting of Rite put together from scratch in weeks. In a Q&A, acting artistic director Galina Stepanenko explains.

Rehabilitating King Macbeth (If It’s Working For Richard III …)

Scottish parliamentarian Alex Johnstone: “The reign of Macbeth, set in the context of the time, was successful and outward looking. To many, however, it is characterised by paranoia and murder because of Shakespeare’s portrayal. The proposal is to form an authoritative trail of important places connected with Macbeth … to allow people to draw a distinction between the fictional and factual character.”