Mickey Rourke Is Back — So Who’s Next?

“Comebacks are not just a commercial or sentimental phenomenon – they are the best way for a star to atone in public for his or her perceived sins. Whether you’ve squandered your big chance, become mired in drugs and booze, been caught committing a misdemeanour on a Los Angeles thoroughfare, or simply faded from view (arguably the most unpardonable crime in the industry’s eyes), it is best regarded not as a career setback but the ideal opportunity for a relaunch.”

Goya Didn’t Paint Prado’s Colossus? Not So Fast.

“Clearly there is a need for an international committee to create a new and definitive Goya catalogue raisonné, a lengthy and complex project on the order of that organized for two other great and immensely prolific painters, Rembrandt and Rubens. Until then, the attribution of the ‘Colossus’ to anyone other than Goya remains unproved and highly questionable.”