Museum Takes A Risk On Pollock

Boston College’s McMullen Museum plans to show controversial paintings attributed by some as Jackson Pollocks. “The risk comes with entering what one Pollock historian describes as a ‘swamp’ — the debate over the paintings New York filmmaker Alex Matter found five years ago in a locker rented by his late father, Herbert, labeled as works by Pollock.”

Film Chronicle’s Leon Fleisher’s Long Struggle

“In a crystalline 17 minutes, Two Hands, a nominee for best short documentary at this month’s Academy Awards, chronicles the Baltimorean’s decades-long struggle to regain the use of his right hand and restart his performing career. As Fleisher slowly walks onto the concert stage and takes his seat, not playing, Nathaniel Kahn conveys what it must have been like for a young master to view his instrument not as the vehicle of all his creative desires, but as an antagonist.”