Angry at Management, Peoria Symphony Musicians Unionize

Less than a month after the PSO board declined to renew the contract of music director David Commanday, the orchestra’s players have decided to join the American Federation of Musicians. A statement cites as factors “the board’s lack of consultation with the players regarding this decision, their lack of recognition for the players’ overwhelming support of Commanday, plus statements by Board Chairman John Day regarding the future direction of the Peoria Symphony.”

Pinched By The Recession? Offer Your Head As A ‘Cranial Billboard’

Air New Zealand is the latest of several companies to advertise using temporary tattoos on willing participants’ bodies. “For shaving their noggins and displaying the ad copy [on their bald heads] for two weeks in November, they received either a round-trip ticket to New Zealand (worth about $1,200) or $777 in cash (an allusion to the Boeing 777, a model in the airline’s fleet).”

There Will Be No Jimi Hendrix Vodka

As if life weren’t bad enough already. “[The] owners of Jimi Hendrix’s music, trademarks and licensing rights won a legal victory in their trademark infringement case against local businessman Craig Dieffenbach and Electric Hendrix Spirits, which created an ‘Electric Hendrix’ brand of vodka.” The defendants must pay a $3.2 million judgment and remove all Electric Hendrix from the shelves.