Arab Literary Lion Tayeb Salih, 80

“The Sudanese author, who had long been pushed as a candidate for the Nobel prize by Sudanese literary groups, was known for his depictions of east-west culture collisions. His 1966 masterpiece The Season of Migration to the North [was] voted one of the 100 best works of fiction in 2002… [and] was declared to be the most important Arabic novel of the 20th Century by the Damascus-based Arab Literary Academy in 2001.”

In WiFi-Free Oscars Press Room, Internet Service Is $500

“There is wireless internet service available in most any upper Egyptian coffeehouse for a handful of piasters. In Turkey, I paid the equivalent of a buck for an hour of Internet service in a dusty Anatolian town near a bunch of Greek ruins. … But in the middle of the busiest part of the most industrialized city in this state, it still costs $500 for the use of a high-speed phone line for four hours to cover that lumbering old two-toed sloth, the Academy Awards.”

Newsflash!: Stephen Sondheim Shows Understanding Toward Critics

“If I were a journalist and had to go see every show and write about it, I’d quit in two seconds. I can go to a show, and then go home and not have to talk about it or think about it. You guys have to write about it. And if you disliked it or felt baffled, that’s torture. Your only resort is to be sarcastic and have fun at the show’s expense.”