Oscar Voters – Old, White, Male

“A Los Angeles Times study found that academy voters are markedly less diverse than the moviegoing public, and even more monolithic than many in the film industry may suspect. Oscar voters are nearly 94% Caucasian and 77% male, The Times found. Blacks are about 2% of the academy, and Latinos are less than 2%. Oscar voters have a median age of 62, the study showed. People younger than 50 constitute just 14% of the membership.”

Concern About Proposed Recording Industry Consolidation

“If approved, the sales would reduce the number of major players from four to three and give Universal and Sony substantial advantages over Warner. Battle lines have been drawn throughout the industry, with Warner and independent labels lobbying to block the deals and consumer groups expressing concern that the deals would stifle competition and innovation.”

The Problem With Arts CEO Salaries?

“The most common refrain is: If we don’t pay these salaries, we won’t get the best people. But this is rarely true. The people who run the great museums and universities would likely take jobs for half the wage because, actually, they do love museums and universities, and nothing better satisfies their lifelong passion than a top job. Still, if offered a CEO’s salary, who is going to turn it down?”

The Value Of Humor (Really)

“More than music, more than sports, more than “personal style,” comedy has become essential to how young men view themselves and others, the research showed. Eighty-eight percent of respondents said their sense of humor was crucial to their self-definition, 74 percent said ‘funny people are more popular,’ and 58 percent said they sent out funny videos to make what might be called a special impression on someone else.”