Please, Theatrical Institutions, Don’t Co-opt Collaboration!

“Collaborative work seeks to address essential questions of how we make theater, why we make theater and how, as artists, our work can embrace, embody and convey our values, our vision of the world as we would like to see it. This type of work has never been about trends or marketing or ‘branding’ your theater company to be ‘the new thing.'”

Why British Newspapers Turned Hilary Mantel’s Intelligent Speech Into A ‘Venomous Attack’ On The Duchess Of Cambridge

“Mantel was attacking the paper doll in which newspapers have imprisoned the real Kate Middleton. … The point of Mantel’s piece was necessarily invisible to parsing in a Daily Mail news story. So a story had to be made – because here was a famous writer writing about a subject of intense interest to the paper – by missing the point.”

Russia Refuses To Return Hasidic Archive To US, But May House It In Moscow Jewish Museum

“A disputed collection of Jewish writings will remain in Russia because returning it to a New York-based group would set a precedent paving the way for more such claims dating back to Soviet times … A Washington judge in January ordered Russia to pay $50,000 a day in fines for failure to adhere to a 2010 ruling to return the collection, triggering angry reaction from Moscow.”

The Theatre With A Successful Business Model – Don’t Pay The Performers

“With the kind of young audience that theater producers have long courted and a bustling school (costing about $400 a class), the Upright Citizens Brigade — which has three sites on two coasts and has inspired competitors like the PIT and the Magnet, creating a new theater sphere in New York — is one of the great success stories of the new comedy boom.”