Coping With Culture Shock Through Pictograms

“When graphic designer Yang Liu moved from Beijing to Berlin at age 13, she found herself in culture shock. ‘I discovered – almost on a daily basis – that things were quite the contrary of what I was used to, starting with social customs and extending all the way to fundamental ways of thinking.” (pictured: “Sunshine” and “Leisure Time”)

The Secret Lives Of Tumblr Teens, Making Millions With Nary A Ducklips Selfie In Sight

“Teens are free to express their low self-esteem on Tumblr, but they have confidence in one thing: Everyone will steal their jokes. A study by Priceonomics found that Tumblr is the top source for BuzzFeed’s viral content. The site’s biggest story in 2015—a photo of a dress that looked blue-and-black or white-and-gold—was found on Tumblr.”

The Making-Up Oscar And Why It Matters

“A win for DiCaprio would continue a long Oscar trad­ition: Right Person, Wrong Year. The Academy has a consistent pattern of giving the award — or at least a nomination — to someone who totally deserved it for a different film. Often this happens because voters who should know better favor conspicuous acting over subtlety. Sometimes Academy members are out of sync with the times because they’re making up for previous slights.”

The International Filmmakers Flipping Hollywood’s Scripts

“Increasingly films such as ‘Sivas’ and other foreign-language movies, including those nominated for this year’s Academy Awards, are chipping at the edges of American dominance. Talented directors and advances in digital filmmaking are helping countries rarely associated with movie production to gain acclaim for turning out intriguing counter-narratives to familiar themes.”