Can Art And Artists Lead Revival In Tijuana?

Caught between the worldwide financial meltdown, ever tigher US border controls and Mexico’s violent drug wars, Tijuana has had a rough few years, with all-important revenue from tourism plummeting. But since 2010, crime has declined sharply and artists have been moving in, reviving (and repainting) derelict shopping areas, and helping the city become more than a purveyor of vice to Californians on benders.

Timbuktu Isn’t Mali’s Only City With Priceless Archives That Need Protection

Djenné, “with its monumental mosque and its unrivalled Sahel mud architecture, has traditionally been regarded as the ‘twin sister’ of Timbuktu, … [but] it is nevertheless much older, and the archaeological site of Djenné Djenno – the original settlement, around a mile from the present city – dates back to 250BC, making it arguably the oldest known city of West Africa.”