Battle In Iowa Town Over Censoring LGBTQ Library Books

“More than 300 people have signed a petition to either ban or label and group materials related to homosexual and transgender content in the Orange City Public Library. … The controversy erupted in one of Iowa’s most conservative Republican counties in northwest Iowa after somebody filed a statement of concern to the library about a book on its shelves that featured LGBTQ content.”

In Praise Of Negative Book Reviews

No, not every book is good. “An appeal for the revival of the negative book review, then, is a remonstration against forced and foppish praise, where everything is good and so nothing at all is good. It is an appeal for a greater investment in the context and content of a book, a task far different from the casting about for bits to extol.”

Netflix’s New ‘Queer Eye’ Created A Breakout Star – A Muslim Immigrant Married To A Mormon Cowboy

And at first he didn’t want to be on the show at all. “I was offered the job and I said, ‘You’re out of your minds — I will ruin your show!’ … They said, ‘No you won’t, we know how to cast. From what we know, there’s never been a gay, Muslim, British immigrant on a global platform before.’” Indeed.

When Arendt Met Auden

Hannah Arendt: “I met Auden late in his life and mine – at an age when the easy, knowledgeable intimacy of friendships formed in one’s youth can no longer be attained, because not enough life is left, or expected to be left, to share with another. Thus, we were very good friends but not intimate friends. Moreover, there was a reserve in him that discouraged familiarity – not that I tested it, ever.”

Frieze To Launch a New Art Fair In Los Angeles

“How much appetite there will be for another art fair in Los Angeles, however, remains to be seen. L.A. is home to a pair of established fairs: the L.A. Art Show, which is generally held downtown, and the glitzier Art Los Angeles Contemporary, staged at Barker Hanger in Santa Monica.
But the city is not generally regarded by collectors as an art market destination.”