A “Burbank Catholic high school couldn’t afford to hire two instructors at its usual teaching salary, so they hired two actors to teach a full theater arts curriculum at a fraction of the cost. The professional actors have revitalized the school’s drama program, and school leaders say the idea could be a viable option for other financially strapped schools….”
Tag: 02.22.10
Deconstructing The Design Of An Electric Toothbrush
“There’s another reason [besides sustainability issues] why I feel uncomfortable about the [Oral-B] Sonic Complete – it doesn’t look very nice. Now I know this sounds: a) flaky, especially when compared to the eco-crimes of wasting fossil fuel and clogging up landfill sites; b) subjective, as other people may like it; and c) hypocritical from someone, like me, who spends much of her time preaching about how there’s much more to design than mere style. But look at it. …”
Rocco Landesman’s New NEA
“His conceptual breakthrough is to stop complaining that the cultural efforts of the federal government are disorganized and start actually organizing them.”