Al-Jazeera America Bows Out With A Valedictory Look Back

“AJAM online’s legacy, some of it captured on these pages, is a journalism of value and of values not tied to any ideology or political entity but morally committed when confronted by racism and bigotry, violence against the innocent, injustice and inequality, sexism and homophobia. We tried in our brief tenure to uphold the fine tradition of an American journalism that comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.”

Opera’s Gender Problem

“According to Operabase, an online opera database, in the years 2009 to 2014 there are only 3 women amongst the 60 most performed living opera composers in the world. Saariaho comes in highest at number 33. In all opera composers performed in that period, living or dead, women fare far worse with not a single female composer in the top 30. And in the most performed 50 operas worldwide in that same period, there is not a single work by a woman.”