“Florists, caterers, limo drivers, valet parking attendants, hair stylists and other vendors and service providers to Hollywood are reporting a strong uptick in business, providing clear signs that the Oscar economy is staging a comeback.”
Tag: 02.27.11
The 100-year-old Book Club
“Founded in 1910 in Ottawa, Ill., the Zetema book club started for the purposes of ‘study and mutual improvement,’ said member Judith Wrobel. Members have gathered in her Ottawa home midafternoon to explain more than a century of club history.”
Long-Form Journalism – One At A Time
“With Kindle Singles, Amazon has gone white knight on us. In one fell swoop, it has figured out a way to shut out virtually every entity that mediates between journalists and readers: traditional publishers, printers, warehousers, advertisers and the World Wide Web. All that’s left is the bookstore — Amazon.”