Frank Gehry At 80

“If Gehry now stands atop a mountain he spent much of his career trying to ascend — driven by a fierce ambition he has often tried to conceal beneath what he calls an aw-shucks persona — he does so at a moment when the mountain itself is beginning to crumble beneath his feet. After a decade in which a handful of leading architects became global stars — with Gehry leading the charge — and private and government clients alike were willing to finance jaw-dropping feats of architectural innovation, funding for new construction has suddenly vanished, as if overnight.”

Prada Co-opts Fashion Magazine Editors With New Project

“The Italian design house announced that four well-known fashion editors will each window-dress one of its flagship stores. The guest merchandisers’ work is organized to coincide with Fashion Week in each of the four cities. In a business where conflicts of interest occur every day, this is a step too far and poorly timed. Fashion does not need such a public blow to its credibility during an economic crisis that has it quite literally — and at times, unfairly — having to justify its existence.”

Alvin Ailey Legacy Goes On Stronger Than Ever

“Twenty years after his passing, the spark of Ailey’s vision, famously encapsulated in his belief that “dance came from the people and should be delivered back to the people,” continues to guide his company, which has performed in 71 countries on every continent except Antarctica, and brought the work of more than 70 choreographers – including 79 works by Ailey himself – to an estimated 21 million people.”