Seriously: Trust Your Feelings (They’re Smarter Than Your Reason)

“Every feeling is like a summary of data, a quick encapsulation of all the information processing that we don’t have access to. (As Pham puts it, emotions are like a ‘privileged window’ into the subterranean mind.) When it comes to making predictions about complex events, this extra information is often essential. It represents the difference between an informed guess and random chance.”

How Does Fran Leibovitz Feel About Polar Fleece? (Just About How You’d Expect)

Leibovitz: “I actually hiked once, and it’s possible that it was the worst experience I ever had outdoors. And I was in Alaska–a very beautiful place. To me, it’s meaningless. I don’t see the point of it. It’s a hard–physically–thing. I found it hard. And when you get there, there’s nothing there, just more of what you passed.”