How James Cousins Learned To Work Emotion Into His Choreography

“Cousins remembers one of his teachers saying: ‘If you can incorporate some emotion into what you do, there’ll be no stopping you.’ But at that point he wasn’t sure how.” As he tells Judith Mackrell, he had a revelation while being mentored by Matthew Bourne: “I was making a solo and Matt suggested that I played with the focus of the dancer’s eyes …”

Why “Useless” Information, Driven By Curiosity, Is So Important (Arts Parallels?)

“Driven by an ever-deepening dearth of funding, against a background of economic uncertainty, global political turmoil, and ever-shortening time cycles, research criteria are becoming dangerously skewed toward conservative short-term goals that may address more immediate problems but miss out on the huge advances that human imagination can bring in the long term. Just as in Flexner’s time, the progress of our modern age, and of the world of tomorrow, depends not only on technical expertise, but also on unobstructed curiosity and the benefits — and pleasures — of traveling far upstream, against the current of practical considerations.”