Palmyra Retaken From ISIS For Second Time

“Syrian government troops have retaken Palmyra from Islamic State forces, with help from Russian air support, the Syrian army said in a statement on Thursday.” (ISIS had been driven from the ruined city around this time last year, though the extremist militia retook it in December.) Few [eyewitness] details have emerged about the condition of the ancient site, where [ISIS] has previously wreaked large-scale destruction.”

Gustav Metzger, 90, Pioneer Of ‘Auto-Destructive Art’ (And Psychedelic Light Shows And Guitar-Smashing)

“Mr. Metzger developed his concept of auto-destructive art in 1959, defining it as ‘art which triggers its own destruction.’ He saw it as … an instrument to strike back at authoritarianism, nuclear weapons, commercialism and modern media.” And yes, as Matt Schudel explains, Metzger was responsible for developing two iconic facets of ’60s rock culture. (Pete Townshend studied art with Metzger.)

Gloria Steinem: What’s The Male Equivalent Of The Chick Flick?

I realized the problem began with the fact that adjectives are mostly required of the less powerful. Thus, there are “novelists” and “female novelists,” “African-American doctors” but not “European- American doctors,” “gay soldiers” but not “heterosexual soldiers,” “transgender activists” but not “cisgender activists.” As has been true forever, the person with the power takes the noun — and the norm — while the less powerful requires an adjective.

Two Of The World’s Great Orchestras Form An Alliance Under One Maestro

In Boston, the five-year partnership will feature an annual program known as “Leipzig Week in Boston,” a celebration that includes lectures, archival exhibitions, musician visits, and orchestra and chamber music concerts devoted to the history and repertoire of the Gewandhaus Orchestra, one of Europe’s most storied ensembles. The BSO will be similarly featured during “Boston Week in Leipzig.”

Former Met Museum Curator Weighs In On Tom Campbell’s Time At The Met

“Part of the problem is that too much was done simultaneously, and too quickly. Even though the Met is a wealthy institution, this led to certain things being done less well and to a financial crunch. Nevertheless, it still remains difficult to understand how an institution with a large endowment, excellent attendance and large revenue could have so suddenly found itself in a crippling financial position.”