Yo-Yo Ma – Music Happens Between The Notes

Krista Tippett: “In his art, Yo-Yo Ma resists fixed boundaries. He’d like to rename classical music just ‘music’ – born in improvisation, and traversing territory as vast and fluid as the world we inhabit. In this generous and intimate conversation, he shares his philosophy of curiosity about life, and of performance as hospitality.” (audio plus transcript)

The Cowshed: A Victim Remembers The Cultural Revolution

“I had the good fortune not only to have seen a cowshed – or rather, to have been forced to see it – but to have lived in one for about nine months. It was no life of luxury, but I did gain a rare opportunity to witness the Cultural Revolution from the inside. … Would anyone these days build a prison for me, and ensure its security by guarding it day and night?”