Painful Layoffs At Indianapolis Museum Of Art

“Twenty-nine museum jobs, or 11 percent of the staff, were eliminated Monday in a cost-cutting move orchestrated by Charles Venable, hired in August to be the museum’s director and CEO. Venable wants the IMA to be less reliant on its endowment, which in recent years has fluctuated in value while accounting for 70 percent of the museum’s operating budget.”

In England’s New Arts Funding Climate, Arts With Business Or Arts Vs. Business?

“In the 90s and early noughties there was a notion that if you appointed a chairman from the business world they would be able to knock an arts organisation in to shape, and in at least two national arts institutions it went horribly wrong … But the mix of management and curation can work. A business manager who loves the arts and can man-manage coupled with a creative team on the same level in the hierarchy or even a notch below can be very productive.”