The Reds In Van Gogh’s Paintings Are Turning White (And Now We Know Why)

“Van Gogh loved the vibrant lead pigment colors, and the red in “Wheat Stack” turned out to contain a rare mineral lead called plumbonacrite that through light exposure was gradually coated in carbonates that were causing the discoloration. Or, in less science speak, the paint particles are now like if you had a gobstopper with the red core inside and a light blue layer and then gray layer on the outside of the particle mass.”

Ballet San Jose Warns It Might Have To Shut Down

“Ballet officials quietly began a fundraising drive in January and have thus far tallied half a million dollars. Now they must match that figure to keep the company afloat. Company officials also estimate they will need to have raised $3.5 million by October to be able to fully reinvent the company’s business model and ensure its long-term stability.”

Jerry Saltz, Social Media’s Favorite Art Critic, Suspended From Facebook

“Art has always posed a problem for Facebook. Its community standards ban nudity, and the combination of algorithms and overseas workers that scan the site for infractions have trouble distinguishing between an artistically nude image and a pornographically nude one. … Now it seems New York magazine’s art critic Jerry Saltz has been caught in the net.”