Free Speech On School Campuses Is Under Attack From All Sides

“It is threatened by police spies, overzealous administrators, and students who are intolerant of dissent. It is threatened by activists agitating for speech codes and sanctions for professors or classmates who disagree with them. It is threatened by people who push to disinvite speakers because of their viewpoints and those who shut down events to prevent people from speaking.”

The Met Breuer’s Opening Show Is Actually Terrific

Peter Schjeldahl: “Most critical responses so far to ‘Unfinished’ … seethe with unstated resentments. The writers quibble with a theme that tracks changing notions of ‘finish’ through almost seven centuries of Western art … They find it a gauzy sort of curatorial idea – which it is, but with one overriding, tremendous virtue: calling attention to visual facts.”

China Bans Depictions Of Gay People On TV And Web Video

“Chinese censors have released new regulations for content that ‘exaggerates the dark side of society’ and now deem homosexuality, extramarital affairs, one night stands and underage relationships as illegal on screen. Last week the Chinese government pulled a popular drama, Addicted, from being streamed on Chinese websites as it follows two men in gay relationships, causing uproar among the show’s millions of viewers.” – The Guardian