What’s Happened Since Writer Chimimanda Ngozi Adichie Wrote About Being A Feminist

She hasn’t changed, but she’s getting nonstop invitations to what she calls “feminist things,” and she’s published a new book to help a friend raise a daughter. “Adichie recently came across her own kindergarten reports. ‘My father keeps them all. You know what the teacher wrote? ‘She is brilliant, but she refuses to do any work when she’s annoyed.’ I was five years old.'”

George Saunders: What Do Writers Actually *Do* When They Write?

Saunders, whose novel Lincoln in the Bardo just came out and is on many bestseller lists: “We often discuss art this way: the artist had something he ‘wanted to express’, and then he just, you know … expressed it. We buy into some version of the intentional fallacy: the notion that art is about having a clear-cut intention and then confidently executing same. The actual process, in my experience, is much more mysterious and more of a pain in the ass to discuss truthfully.”

U.S. Billionaires Bought Up Artistic Treasures From Abroad – And The U.K. Wants Its Stuff Back

Much of the artwork, and sometimes entire rooms or domiciles too, is lost. As in, no one knows where it is, who owns it, and how the U.K. might get it back. The U.S. was desperate for a British or European shine, and “the trade was frenzied. When the Titanic sank in 1912, 30 tons of crated English architectural objects were on board.”