Time Out Chicago Averts Disaster For Grimaud and Chicago Symphony

When a writer for the magazine spoke to pianist Hélène Grimaud, “she was shocked to learn her reason for coming to Chicago. ‘I’m playing [Beethoven’s] Fourth [Concerto], aren’t I? Am I not playing the Fourth?!?’ she asked. As he double-checked the CSO website, Manning assured her she was to play ‘Emperor,’ Beethoven’s Fifth Piano Concerto… Hours later, Ukranian pianist Valentine Lisitsa was subbed in for Grimaud.”

The Tender Mercies Of Horton Foote

Charles McNulty: “No matter how conniving, gossiping or suspicious those denizens of Harrison, Texas – the name he bestowed on his hometown of Wharton to protect the privacy of friends, family and neighbors – may have been, they were never insentient to the poetry of loneliness and loss, which were Foote’s twin themes and the ground that made him an American Chekhov.”

Robin Williams Calls Off Tour, Schedules Heart Surgery

“Actor Robin Williams will undergo heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement, forcing him to cut short his stand-up comedy tour, his representative said on Thursday.” The 57-year-old, who first found fame as a comedian, had cancelled several performances of his Weapons of Self-Destruction show in Florida this week, complaining of shortness of breath.