Someday China Will Have Its Own Geraldo Rivera

Not so long ago, the People’s Republic had pretty much the staid, rigid, risk-averse media sector one would expect in a Communist nation. That conservatism, like the rest of country, is changing. The news media isn’t exactly free by Western standards, and there are taboo topics, but investigative journalism provides some of the most popular shows on television.

The 20 Most Powerful Women In British Theatre

The latest installment in the controversial list sweepstakes comes from Harper’s Bazaar. Dames Judi Dench and Helem Mirren top the list, which also includes such well-known figures as Caryl Churchill, Sonia Friedman, Fiona Shaw and “honorary Brit” Gillian Anderson. Names you probably don’t (yet) know include Lisa Makin, Paule Constable and Bola Agbaje.

Las Vegas Phil Backs Away From The Brink

Board VP and acting CEO Jeri Crawford: “Because [the orchestra’s brush with insolvency has] been all brought out in the open, it seems like there is this renewal in the community. There has been this new synergy between the board and the guild and between the musicians. […] The reality that there might not be a philharmonic really shook people up.”