Horton Foote As America’s Chekhov? Maybe Not

Ben Brantley: “Chekhov’s characters are endowed, for better or worse, with a painful awareness of their existential lot. They whine and moan and soliloquize about it, as figures in classic Russian literature are wont to do. Mr. Foote’s characters, being thoroughly American, aren’t big on self-analysis. They know on some level just how lonely life really is, but they tend to avoid the subject as if it were indecorous, like talking about bathroom or sexual habits.”

Gandhi’s Belongings Saved For Nation After Dramatic Auction

“In the end, after days of controversy that reverberated in India, the lot sold for $1.8 million to Vijay Mallya, an Indian liquor and airline magnate who owns the company that makes Kingfisher beer.” Such was the happy ending to an eventful afternoon that included attempts by the Indian government to intervene and by the current owner to stop the sale.